Crimson Red Sports

* Overall Winners
86-66 (1214)

86-66 (1469)

Hannibal Lecter, MD
85-64 (1075)

84-67 (1137)

83-67 (1264)

82-70 (1278)

80-67 (1227)

80-69 (1392)

80-71 (1119)

79-73 (1307)

* Most E-Cred
E-Cred: 1000009
2Stater 2Stater
E-Cred: 7921
Chechem Chechem
E-Cred: 7228
pmull pmull
E-Cred: 6111
Jamos Jamos
E-Cred: 5801
E-Cred: 5654
Catch Prothro Catch Prothro
E-Cred: 5215
ricky023 ricky023
E-Cred: 5062
E-Cred: 4632
Merk Merk
E-Cred: 3915
bama57 bama57
E-Cred: 3858
E-Cred: 3504
E-Cred: 3378
Leewillie Leewillie
E-Cred: 3348
N.AL-Tider N.AL-Tider
E-Cred: 3191
Bamaphile Bamaphile
E-Cred: 3183
td57 td57
E-Cred: 3139
Marshal Dillon Marshal Dillon
E-Cred: 3072
bamaphil bamaphil
E-Cred: 2962
Hannibal Lecter, MD Hannibal Lecter, MD
E-Cred: 2961

Bama Basketball, A Team of Hope and Determination
Written by Jamos
Comments: 13
Posted under: The Quad
Where do you start in trying to describe where Bama basketball is this morning? Just a short few months ago, Alabama was trying to hire a new coach that could somehow turn their shipwreck of a basketball program into a nice new shining yacht, something that most sports analysts thought was impossible because of their beliefs that Bama is a football school and no big time coach in his right mind would ever want to take on that task and have to play second fiddle to the football program. Alabama did make a hire though, they hired a coach that had a winning past record in his playing days and also his past coaching days. Those analyst and most fans still scoffed at the idea of him being able to turn the program around and even if he did it would be a long term task of getting in new players and  convincing everyone that  that he could actually make it happen.

How many of you watched the game yesterday and how many of you really thought Bama could actually do what they did? All of us had watched the team get better during the course of the season but still there was a lot doubt that they could actually play with the BIG BOYS and be successful when crunch time would come to put themselves in a position for the post season tournaments. I for one thought they had a slight chance but I think all of my hope was based on being an avid fan and Alabama would would make it happen because they are Alabama, my team.

Coach Avery Johnson, is he the real Superman that the University Of Alabama has hired for their new coach? This morning, there are some analysts and doubter fans with a new perception of this new coach of the Crimson Tide because of what the team has accomplished so far this season, it's been an incredible run for the team. I say incredible because of the team that CAJ inherited from Bama's previous coach Anthony Grant was in shambles and had no sense of direction of where they were headed. Coach Avery and staff have taken this team and used their knowledge of the game and their abilities  to coach individual players and made them both into being a winner. There are players on this team that I said just a short time ago that were lazy and could not play the game of basketball and CAJ would never win until he recruited some players that were more athletic and understood what was needed to be a winner. Well I can take my foot out of my mouth now because he has taken those very players and coached them into being competitive and making the plays that just a short time ago was impossible for them to do. I will use Jimmy Taylor as my example of one of those that I mentioned. Yesterday he wasn't the player of just a short few weeks ago but he was a beast, the player that me and some others had wanted him to be since he arrived at Alabama. What a coaching job that CAJ and staff have done on him and a couple of others with Riley Norris being one of them. If they can get Hale to get on board and be the player that he is capable of being, there will be brighter days ahead for the team

The "Bama Nation" is in a frenzy today because of the big win against Florida last night and they have every right to be. There is still a long way to go for this team to make it to the Big Dance but now there is a real hope that this can actually happen. There is now the hope that Bama basketball can be on the same level as their beloved Nick Saban and the football program is on, they can now have the chance to compete for championships.

Maybe we are counting our chickens before the eggs have hatched and who really cares but what a feeling it is to even think that the basketball program is back, something that we all have been dreaming of for a very long time. Maybe Bama doesn't make the Big Dance this year but at least the Bama fans have had a real chance to think that we might  would make  it, something that hasn't crossed our minds is quite some time. Alabama hasn't gotten their new yacht just yet but I think it is in construction and in the months and years ahead, CAJ and staff will do the things necessary to get it completed by recruiting the players that are necessary to finish the job. RTR!!!!

Bama Softball: Day 2 of UCF Tournament
Written by Jamos
Comments: 3
Posted under: The Quad
Bama defeated Rutgers 6-0 in their third game of the tournament. Maddi Moore again started for the Crimson Tide and went the distance giving up 5 hits and walking none.  Bama will play James Madison in their 4th game at 3:30 this afternoon. Moore's pitching performance so far has to enlighten CPM after Littlejohn got rung up last night against UCF. In all fairness to Littlejohn, she had an off season surgery on one of her feet and it make take her a little to get back in pitching form.  

Bama had 10 hits in the game, improving from their poor showing last night against UCF. Turner had 2 hits, Lafaele had 3, and Fain had 2 to lead the Tide.

Bama Softball - Opening Day
Written by Leewillie
Comments: 14
Posted under: The Quad
Alabama opened it's softball season today with a game against Fordham in the UCF Classic in Orlando, FL.

Bama defeated Fordam 9-1 in 5 innings,

Freshman pitcher Madi Moore scattered 4 hits, 1 run, while walking 2 and striking out 2.

Bama had 9 hits, 2 each by McCleney, Turner, and Lafaele.

Will Play UCF later today.

Softball Fan Day and Baseball's Old Timer Game.
Written by Jamos
Comments: 10
Posted under: The Quad
The girls had a nice crowd show up today and beautiful weather that helped the turnout. I was pleasantly surprised with the number of fans that came. I was there to watch most of the batting practice and was very impressed with their hitting. There were two things that caught my attention with the players and that was some of the heavier ones have lost some weight and someone has been working with the hitters, their bat swing has been shortened and they were really driving the ball. Lafaele hit some monster shots with one going over the new scoreboard and two were halfway up the big light pole in left center. Last year the hitters were taking hard long swings at the ball which resulted in hitting a lot of pop ups and easy fly balls. Those that have lost some weight looked very conditioned compared to last year. The girls will be playing at UCF next weekend in a tournament.

The baseball team had a nice crowd as well as many of the folks going to the basketball game payed a visit to the new stadium. I did get to see a little of the game and it was good to hear the names of some of them that had a major league career take the time to come back and celebrate the new stadium. The stadium is very pretty but was even more impressive with fans in the seats and players on the field.

There was one former Bama player in attendance, Bobby Pierce. He is now retired as the head coach at Troy University. I thought it was very interesting to see, Bobby Pierce there having a good time. There are some around the Tuscaloosa area that have mentioned his name during the past three years of Bama's less than spectacular success with their program.

Here is a link to an article that provides the names of some of former players that were there.

Click here for link

National Signing Day 2016
Written by Jamos
Comments: 13
Posted under: The Quad
As always, CNS downplayed any of the ratings of the players that the sports media has so fallen in love with as he spoke to us this afternoon about Bama's new signees. He told us that the stars beside their names mean totally nothing to them and that each player recruited is rated by the information collected by their coaches on their recruiting visits and player film and not by any rating service. CNS felt that their needs were met with this group and that they could possible add a player or two yet.

It was interesting to hear each of the coaches break down each of the signed players that they will be coaching. I was surprised that so many of the signed players were not recruited by their position coach. Layne Kiffen had one of the more interesting player bios as he described our new early signee quarterback Jalen Hurts. I can't remember all that he said about Hurts but I can tell you that the three quarterbacks that are already here better get ready for a battle per Kiffen.

CNS had plenty to say about the National Championship team and how diversity played such a big role in the maturing of the players. He also talked about the graduation rate of the team and how proud he is of the graduation rate of the players and also the juniors that came back for another season and how important that was for this years team but it was more important for the players to graduate and have a chance to improve their status for the NFL draft next year.

He ended by telling us all that only small percentages of the players recruited each year will ever make it to the NFL and that is why the academic side of their scholarship is so important. The players classroom work is rated constantly and when a player receives 6-8 negatives, they are suspended from any football activity until the negatives are corrected. He said in a firm voice that his team has never lost a game due to a player being suspended because of their studies. I think that might have answered some of our questions at times as to why a player has been suspended.

It's a new year, a new season, a group of new players and a new quarterback so what is in store for the Crimson Tide this year? No one really knows at this time but I'm looking forward to spring training because there are some positions to be filled and there should be some very good competition for us all to watch. Can we get #17 next year well some are already saying yes, it is Alabama football you know.

REC welcomes Jack Arute
Written by Jamos
Comments: 10
Posted under: The Quad
For the third time, Jack was invited to speak to the REC last night and as always he was entertaining. Some of you may not know much about Jack but he started his career working with Keith Jackson and that is enough to make most Bama fans our age want to hear what he has to say. I would have to say that Keith Jackson is the darling of all sportscasters that Bama fans remember and relish. I say all of this in leading up to what was on Jack's mind last night and what he wanted to share with us.

After Bama won it's sixteenth national championship recently, there was a lot of talk on television and radio about where does this put Nick Saban in the legacy of Alabama football and the analysts were asking, is he greater than the legendary Bear Bryant. Jack, having loads of knowledge of college football from our younger years, chose to talk about all of the legendary coaches of those years and where time is taking us today. He chose the word legacy and what it means to folks our age and where time is taking us today in remembering all of those coaches that has made college football the favorite sport in America.

He stated that if you went into the locker room and asked every player on the team who is George H. Denny, how many players would know of him, probably none. They might connect the name to Bryant Denny Stadium but who would really know who he is. He told a story about a big group of little league players who were asked who is Babe Ruth and none of them knew who he was. Here is probably the greatest name in baseball history but yet none of the kids knew who he was. Babe Ruth's name has been replaced many times with the names of our popular players of the now era, sad but true. It is true in all sports that yesterday's legends are being forgotten, they are a thing of the past. This now gets us to his point of eras and what it will mean to football fans across the country, especially at Alabama.

Bear Bryant is no doubt the most popular football coach talked about in college football today, easily identified and remembered by his hounds tooth hat. Bama fans have no problem identifying Bear by what he accomplished on the field but if you asked people across the country who he is, some may not remember what he did in coaching football but if you held up a hounds tooth hat they would remember who is the hat. It's sad because Bear was a great coach but time passes fast and those great names are soon replaced with new ones, it's all about eras. There was someone recently asked on a very popular quiz show, who is the Crimson Tide and he answered, Auburn. That wouldn't have happened a few years ago but time does change people's lives and their likes and dislikes. What seemed to be important to some a few years ago is meaningless now.

That takes us to where we are today in Alabama football, where does Nick Saban belong in the long and great history of football at the University of Alabama? Here is a man that has won National Championships in four of the last seven years that he has coached at Alabama, an amazing feat by anyone's standards but where does it put him in the legacy of the sport at Alabama? Jack pointed out that football and all sports are about eras and how television has provided a way to permit folks to soon forget about how great a coach might have been in his era at a particular school. He is from the great Ohio State era and quickly referenced to Wood Hayes, one of the greatest football coaches ever. He asked how many kids today would remember Woody Hayes as being a great coach or would they remember him as the coach that hit an opposing player during a game that ended his career. How soon they forget the greatness of someone because if Woody is talked about today during a game by the commentators it's about how he left football not about what he accomplished before the incident. The same applies at Alabama with what is happening now, where does Bear Bryant belong after all of Saban's success since his arrival at Bama.

Jack also stated that Bama fans are proud fans and hopefully they will battle what television is doing and put Nick Saban beside the Bear and never ahead of him. Bear's legacy is one that should never be pushed to the side regardless of how great of a job the next coach does , it is one that should be shared with the next greatest coach and not be forgotten as so many famous sports figures have been over the years of sports. Eras are something that affects folks lives in so many ways whether it's music, clothing, or sports and the times have a way of changing  everyone's idea of what is cool and what is not.

I thought what Jack brought to us last night is something of worth to us Bama fans, how will the Nick Saban era affect what was accomplished during Bear Bryant era. Will the young ones in the new era push the memories of Bear to the side as all of us in the Bryant era gradually leave this earth? It could happen, remember George Denny? Hopefully it will not because Bear Bryant changed college football to what it is today, a very competitive sport that draws more attention than any other sport in America. On the other hand where do you put Nick Saban, he is the greatest football coach in America today. I agree with Jack Arute, you put Saban right beside Bear Bryant and talk about the two greatest football coaches ever in the game of college football. Don't let something as great as the history of Alabama football be washed away with the new era, it took too much effort from the Bama coaches, players, and fans to put it's name where it is today, at the top.

Bama Wins Yet Another National Championship, #16
Written by Jamos
Comments: 9
Posted under: The Quad
What an amazing feat for the Crimson Tide and they did the hard way, they earned it. It's so sad that all of the Bama haters in football, analysts and fans, didn't grow up learning to like Alabama football because instead of being so mad or very disappointed in the Bama win, they could all be happy and celebrating like we are doing now.

What an amazing comeback for an Alabama team this year in that many folks gave up on them after the Ole Miss loss. I for one, looked at their schedule after that loss and pretty much said it would be impossible for Bama to make it back to the championship game. I mean you don't lose a game at home and then expect to go all the way considering the tough schedule that Alabama had left and then having to make it through the playoffs. The biggest problem that Bama had to face now was they still had no starting quarterback and already had a loss. Thank goodness Coker accepted the challenge and developed himself to lead the Tide to another chance for yet another championship.

There were a lot of things that had to happen for Bama to make it to the playoffs and the first thing was they had to win the SEC Championship. In most cases Bama would not have won the SEC but some things had to happen over the course of the season, some teams had to lose some key games. We must remember that Auburn was predicted to run away with the SEC and win the National Championship as well there is LSU, Tennesse, Arkansas, Georgia and others that Bama still had to beat. Well, I must say that the "Football Gods" were good to Alabama this year because I didn't see Alabama ever winning the SEC West, Ole Miss and LSU had to lose some games and I didn't think it would ever happen.

Well, it did happen and Bama beat Florida for the SEC Championship. By now, I am feeling pretty cocky about Bama's chances to win it all and I'm ready for them to bring on the best. Thanks to Bama's #2 ranking, I felt we were set up to play Clemson in that championship game IF we could beat Michigan State and Clemson beat Oklahoma. I felt all along that the committee really wanted Clemson and Bama in the final game because that's where all the money was.

Bama did beat the Spartans and it was very easy as most folks thought it would be and Clemson did the same to Oklahoma and the two best teams in the country were set up to play the big game. Bama came out a 7 point favorite which I thought was about right because I didn't think Clemson could dominate the Tide. I had watched them play some games but still wasn't sold on them being that good but I was about to find out how wrong I really was.

The game was being billed as a battle between the Clemson offense and the Bama defense. Clemson's quarterback Watson was being hailed as the best thing since sliced bread and Bama's defense was being labeled as the "The Rock of Gibraltar" so we have ourselves a football game.

In most cases a big game such as this one usually doesn't pan out the way it was predicted in that so many times one team will totally dominate the other as Alabama did Michigan State in the playoff game. Well the committee got this one right, what a perfect game for a National Championship. It reminded me of some of the past games of the Iron Bowl and the LSU rivalry, two evenly matched teams that didn't know what fear was. They played at a level that represented their standings in the polls, they were the two best teams in the country. After the game  I felt that there wasn't but one team that could have beat Alabama that night and it was Clemson. I felt the same way about Clemson, there was only one team that could have beaten them and that was Alabama.

I think it will be a long time before a National Championship game of this caliber will ever be duplicated. Clemson was a much better team that I thought and Watson, their QB, is as good or better as labeled. He was their football team. Bama on the other hand had many heros of the game, Henry, Drake, Howard, Griffith, Coker on the offense and the whole defense plus some others. Watson pretty much extended Bama's defense to their limits and I'm just glad the game didn't last five minutes longer than it did.

Call it luck or whatever but I'm calling it NUMBER 16 and as Jackie Gleason would say, "How Sweet It Is."  ROLL TIDE!!!!!

National Championship game notes: Bama vs Clemson
Written by hscoach
Comments: 34
Posted under: The Quad
First: Congrats to the Bama players and coaches on the victory and bringing home Bama’s 16th National Championship.  I must also say Clemson is a hell of a team and pushed it to the very end.  Too be quite honest I was not sure it was over until the onside kick was recovered.               
Offense:  The offense had their problem and still put 473 yards of total offense on the board.  I do think they went fast at times and had too much confusion.  Bama had 335 passing and 138 rushing.  As far as negative plays Bama had 5 sacks and 5 tackles for losses.   They only had 2 three and outs the whole night.  For plays for over 10 yards they had 8 passes and 3 rushes.  Bama got into the red zone 3 times and scored 2 touchdowns and 1 field goal.  They were aided by 4 touchdowns from outside the red zone.  One of the biggest stats was there were no offensive turnovers.
QB:  Coker had a decent game.  He complete 64 per cent of his passes.  I do think he started looking at the pass rush a couple of times.  I also think the routes could have been a little better to help him.  He made probably his best throws off his back foot on the 38 yard completion to Stewart. 
RB:  Henry had a good game.  He was hit hard and a lot by many people.  He did a pretty good job pass blocking
REC:  They had a hard time getting open and the Clemson defenders closed quickly after their catch.  I guess Clemson forgot Howard could catch and run or maybe Lane was holding out until this game.  Howard took advantage of his opportunities.  Now one thing I noticed was the receivers got hit in the mouth when they went to block therefore causing missed or poor blocks by them. 
OL:  At one point I thought the right side of the OL may cost Bama the game.  There was either miscommunication or poor technique that led to poor offensive plays for Bama.  Not only did they miss blocks they were blown up by the D lineman from Clemson. The OL had trouble getting a big push most of the night.  The good thing is that they got enough push so Henry could get 3 to 4 yards most of the time. 
Defense:  The D had a tough night.  They gave up 550 yards of total offense.  This was 405 passing and 145 rushing.  I will say I was surprised how strong Watson’s arm was.  Bama only had 2 tree and outs for the night.  As far as negative plays I have Bama for 5 sacks, 4 tackles for losses, 1 interception, and 1 block field goal.  Now here come the eye opener.  As far as plays for over 10 yards, Clemson had 19 passes and 5 runs that covered that distance.  I didn’t count the missed tackles but there were a few especially late in the game.  This is just my opinion but I think Bama was a little too cautious with their pass rush early and didn’t get to the QB because of being afraid of losing contain or the scrambling ability of Watson.  The D did lose contain a couple of times and rushed too far up the field and opened a running lane for Watson.  It seem to be the game plan early to attack wide and quick throws.  Clemson looked to be satisfied taking what we considered an uncovered rec and take that 5+ yards.
DL:  I really thought they played well.  Again I thought their pass rush was a little too cautious early and they picked it up later in the game.  If I remember correctly Bama’s first negative play didn’t come until late in the 2nd quarter, about the last 3+ minutes left to go in the half. One of the best efforts of the night was when Reed stopped the 2 point conversion.
LB:  They played pretty well in a tough situation.  These guys had to contend with a very mobile QB that could also throw the ball.  They had to play coverage and the run.
DB:  They played better than the stats show in my opinion.  The way Watson could extend plays it is very difficult to cover for that long.  Harrison had a huge play when the broke up the throw in the end zone which forced Clemson to take the field goal.  His techniques was great he watched the man and then went to the arms of the rec to break up the ball.  He never looked back.  If you noticed on the first TD by Clemson Fitzpatrick took a peek back for a quick second and that is when he lost his cushion that allowed the throw to get in. 
Penalties: Bama is only credited for 2 penalties both of those were pass interference calls.  The one on Foster kept the drive alive that led to points.  The one on Fitzpatrick looked to me like it could have been called offensive, but that is just my opinion.  Two holding calls were refused because Clemson took the plays. 
Special Teams:  This is where the game was won.  They got an onside kick which led to a touchdown.  They blocked a field goal which, if made, would have allowed Clemson not to have to go for two after the touchdown.  Finally, the kickoff return was a huge answer after Clemson had scored.  They did miss a couple of tackles on kickoff returns and Bama missed a field goal themselves.  The punting game for Clemson was pretty good and the punts took funny bounces which didn’t really allow Jones to stop them or return many.  When he was able to field them he did a good job.
Finally:  What a year.  Many people counted them out after the Ole Miss game.  This was a very good team that, if not for their own mistakes, would have been undefeated.  Again congrats to all the players and coaches.  Kirby Smart and players will be missed.  The leadership on this team is what allowed them to make the push and win this National Championship.
Please feel free to comment.
Good Luck and Roll Tide Roll
16 and counting

Game notes: Bama vs MSU
Written by hscoach
Comments: 8
Posted under: The Quad
First: Congrats to the Bama players and coaches on the victory. This was outstanding game plans by both the offensive and defensive staffs.  Theses game plans were well executed by the players.  This shows the focus they had in preparing for the game.                   
Offense:  The offense rolled up 440 yards of total offense.  They had 286 yards passing and 154 rushing.  For plays covering 10+ yards there were 9 pass plays and 4 run plays.  The offense had what I consider 11 negative plays.  I have 1 sack, 9 tackles for losses and 1 fumble which wasn’t lost.  I only have Bama for 1 three and out, but they may count 1 near the end of the game.  This is great news here.  Bama got into the red zone 3 times and scored 3 touchdowns.  They had one touchdown from outside the red zone as well as a field goal from outside the red zone.  The other points came from the punt return by Jones. 
QB:  Coker had an outstanding game.  He was 25 for 30 which is 83 percent.  However after the half he was 6 for 7 which is 86 percent.  He did make a couple of bad decisions, but they didn’t hurt Bama.  One deep ball was not well throw early and he dumped the ball to Drake when he should have just throw the ball away.  Coker also stood in the pocket and threw the ball well when under pressure.
RB:  Henry had a better game than people realize.  He ran hard against a tough front from MSU.  What he did so well was blocked all night.  He was the lead on the pop pass a few times and did a great job.  He also had to pass protect which was also done well.
REC:  Even though Ridley and Stewart were the main targets, Mullaney and Howard had big catches.
OL:  Against a stout D, I thought they played pretty well.  There were some negative plays, but I think half of them were on pass plays.  They only gave up one sack.  The most impressive thing about the offensive line was when you had Robinson and Kelly both getting well downfield on blocks.
Defense:  They played a very good game. MSU ended the game with 239 total yards which is about 146 yards below their average.  MSU had 124 yards at the half and managed only 115 the second half.  The defense is credited with12 negative plays which include 4 sacks, 4 tackles for losses, 2 interceptions, and 2 fumbles which MSU retained.  I have MSU for 5 three and outs and 2 four and outs.  They did give up 2 runs of 10+ yards and 10 pass plays of 10+ yards.  Overall a masterful job by this unit.  They did get caught once when MSU went hurry up on them, but the next time they tried it there was a sack.
DL:  This is the best unit I have ever seen at Bama.  They all played well and can now play the running game as well as the passing game.  I really thought Anderson had a very good game.
LB:  They played a solid game.  They were in coverage and playing the run.  They also played more than a couple of players.
DB:  Most of the day they were in positon to make the plays and just didn’t get their head around a couple of times which caused a couple of PI penalties.  I didn’t count the tipped passes, but there were a few.  Only a few times were there many yards after the catch.  They were aided by the DL being able to put pressure on the QB with only 3 and 4 rushers.
Penalties:  There some penalties but most of the time they overcame them.  There was one drive that was stalled because of penalties which included the chop block.  I really questioned the call because it looked like the tackle was just trying to avoid the DL who was being blocked by Taylor. Too me there was no intention to help with the block.  Bama was aided on one drive by the penalties committed by MSU.
Special Teams:  The only mistake here was the kickoff out of bounds.  Coverage and execution on special teams was good.  Again, Jones takes one to the house, which had some good blocks on what looked like a low returnable punt.
Finally:  I really like the chemistry of this team.  They seem to be focused on winning.  Clemson will be a great test.
Please feel free to comment.
Good Luck and Roll Tide Roll
15 and counting

CRS Coach's Corner: The Playoffs
Written by Jamos
Comments: 18
Posted under: The Quad
After the humiliating loss to Ohio State in the Sugar Bowl last year, it was a long year to wait for this season to get here. For one solid year the Bama team and fans had to wait for their team to get a chance for some kind of redemption for the egg that Bama laid against the Buckeyes in the Sugar Bowl last year. The sports analysts pounded the fact, on a daily basis, that the SEC was way over rated, Bama most of all, and the BIG 10 is truly the power conference of college football.

Hello world, did you watch the Cotton Bowl last night? Redemption is a wonderful thing, especially when most of the country is watching it on national television and no sports analyst has to say anything about Bama and the SEC, everyone could see for themselves. Maybe last year's loss to Ohio State was a fluke afterall as most knowledgeable football fans thought. Coach Saban never flinched with the loss as he stated that he and his staff didn't have the team prepared mentally as they should have. How many times has he stated that the mental aspect of the game is the most important part of the recipe for winning? CNS is a master in mind games and now he has a chance to prove it once more.

Now it's Clemson.

Clemson was very impressive in their win against Oklahoma. I, for one, have felt throughout the season that Clemson might have been a little overrated but after the way they trounced the Sooners yesterday afternoon, they are the real deal for sure. Dabo has finally reached the peak of success in the college coaching world in getting his first chance to play for the National Championship. To complete his task of reaching the very top of his goal though he has the unfortunate task of having to beat the coach that every college team in the country wants to beat, Coach Nick Saban and his Alabama Crimson Tide.

Alabama is beatable though as Ole Miss proved that earlier in the season with the huge upset at Bryant Denny. Clemson, on the other hand, is undefeated and hasn't had to wake up the next morning asking themselves what the heck happened the day/night before. This could be, if there is one, the one advantage that Bama might have in the game against Clemson. I mentioned before about the player's mental aspect of the game and I think Bama should have an advantage there. The big advantage I think is Bama has been in these big games, playoffs, before and has some valuable game experience . After the loss to Ole Miss earlier this season, the rest of the season was played under the pretense of having to win every game left on their schedule and to have a lot of luck in hoping the teams ahead of them would lose some games. Bama's good fortune of having some luck did happen for them but I think the most important thing that happened was the team's leadership grew in big proportions and the team got better and better with each game. Jake Coker grew up in the Ole Miss loss with a super effort on his part and the Bama players realized that they did have a quarterback after all and the rest is history up this point in time.

Per the broadcast in last night's game, Bama has opened as the favorite, -7, to win it all again and this will start the mental strategies of both coaches. Dabo was quick to toss his first "hand grenade" of his mental strategy after their game last night as he stated in a very loud voice that his team gets no recognition at all and is always the underdog in their games. This is his calling card for his team and his players will hear this everyday at practice. CNS on the other hand must now find his "hand grenade" to downplay the talk of his team being the favorite. If there has ever been a coach to use the mental side of the game to gain an advantage there is none better than Nick Saban. It hasn't always worked for him, such as the Ohio State game last year, but he has something this year that makes a big difference in his strategy, visible team leadership. That alone makes his and the staffs job much easier as they prepare for yet another"crystal bowl".

It will be very interesting to watch the sports media this next week. Will they wrap their arms around Bama and start declaring them to be the next national champion or will they jump on the Clemson bandwagon? Personally I hope they fall in love with Clemson, that makes it much easier for the Bama coaches. It's also good to see that Alabama football is being represented by both teams. Coach Swinney played on the 1992 National Championship team coached by Gene Stallings and what a team they had, just ask Miami. Is Alabama football overrated, I don't think so, just check the school's record it speaks for itself. RTR!!!

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Day: Saturday
Date: 8/31/2024
Time: TBD
Radio: Fun 92.7
Location: Bryant-Denny Stadium
Tuscaloosa, AL

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