Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => Ferguson Student Center => Topic started by: rueben on May 16, 2011, 07:33:21 PM

Title: probably acting petty but a Victory is A Victory!!!
Post by: rueben on May 16, 2011, 07:33:21 PM
 A little back story to lead up.
   My son goes to a very strictly ran day care / Pre- K, at a large church here. I keep him going there because I like the overall body of work they are doing, and seeing him progress so well intellectually. He is in  K 4, and will start  K 5 this fall. There have been a couple of instances where I almost snatched him out, but did not want to take him away form his friends, yet.
   One of those instances was Easter of 2010. The women church my stepmother and my father go to make Easter Bunny cakes each year. The sale them to cover expenses only. My stepmother buys one for each of her grandchildren. I took his to his school the week of Easter, so that he and his class could enjoy it during snack time. Now, as far as bring in outside food, it  is okay and done by parents and grandparents all the time, celebrating the kids' birthdays and such. However this bright spring morning I was stopped by the head administrator of the school and told that I could not have the cake there. When I asked why I was told, " We teach that Easter is about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, not about bunnies and eggs."
  Now, I do truly appreciate them teaching my son the true meaning of Easter, biut I am pretty sure that they can understand what is being taught, and still have their fun with "bunnies and eggs." I was just about to open my mouth and ask "Cheryl", " If I rip the lil' &*^%$^@ ears off of the cake, and made look like a cat, can they ahve it then?" But thankfully the Good Lord slapped his hand over my mouth, and prevented me from getting my son expelled form Pre-K. (Besides who wants to go tell their wife about how you got your darling son kicked out of daycare?)

  Well, the head Admin of the school is also a runner. And she ways a good 1/2 or less than what I do. ( There is obviously > 100lb difference between the two of us). We have ran several oft he same 5 K races and she has beat me, every time. This past Saturday our Fire Dept hosted our 3rd annual "Fit To Fight 5 & 10 K race." I had originally signed up to run the 10 K, however decided just before the race to swap to the 5K. I just ahve not been able to get my weekly "long run" in for the past 3 weeks, due to family obligations, injury, illness, weather...
    The run is a course full of rolling hills. As wee took off I led "Cheryl" for close to the first 1/2 of the race. But she overtook me. I kept her close as continued. Nearly passing her on what I dubbed " heart break hill." But she stayed ahead." I kept telling myself, " just run your own race, don't worry about her or anyone else, just keep running your own race."
For the last 1/4 mile or so it is down hill, and then a 90 degree left turn into a 150 yard flat sprint to the finish." As we started down the hill, I looked up and spotted "Cheryl." She was not to far ahead, so I put my " Mass into Motion and used the force of gravity to push me down the hill, looking more like I was doing a controlled fall. I passed her, and she never had a chance to catch up! I made the left at the bottom of the hill, thought I will literally run myself to death to death before I let her catch me!!!
   A mutual acquaintance, was standing at the finish line, cheer us on, and congratulating everyone who finished, I looked over at her and let out a silent scream, " I BEAT CHERYL!!!"
  Victory was finally mine!!!! Roll Tide!!!

Title: Re: probably acting petty but a Victory is A Victory!!!
Post by: SUPERCOACH on May 16, 2011, 07:37:52 PM

Roll Tide!

Title: Re: probably acting petty but a Victory is A Victory!!!
Post by: 2Stater on May 16, 2011, 08:14:21 PM
Attaboy Reuben! #+

Title: Re: probably acting petty but a Victory is A Victory!!!
Post by: rueben on May 16, 2011, 08:45:20 PM
LOL, thanks guys. It did mean a lot, not just because I beat her, ina retribution sort of way but because I am what is known, in racing slang, as a "Clydesdale." Which means I am a male greater than 200lbs. Many races (none around here unfortunately) even have separate divisions for us Clydes. I have rarely won (or placed) in an age group (even though next year I move up an age group, so I'll be a spring chicken in that particular group). Usually the only time I get really happy after a race is when I run a new longer distance, or I set a new personal record, also known as a "P.R." So to beat someone ( who has been running for years) that ways much less than I, and has beaten me time and time again, just feels good! ( I know pride is one of the 7 deadlys...)  But even the bible says...

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

'Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore i don not run like a man running aimlessly, i don not fight like a man beating the air. No, i beat my body and make it my slave so that after i have preached to others, i may not be disqualified for the prize'

Title: Re: probably acting petty but a Victory is A Victory!!!
Post by: rueben on May 16, 2011, 09:00:20 PM
A little back story to lead up.
   My son goes to a very strictly ran day care / Pre- K, at a large church here. I keep him going there because I like the overall body of work they are doing, and seeing him progress so well intellectually. He is in  K 4, and will start  K 5 this fall. There have been a couple of instances where I almost snatched him out, but did not want to take him away form his friends, yet.
   One of those instances was Easter of 2010. The women at the church my stepmother and my father go to make Easter Bunny cakes each year. They sale them to cover expenses only. My stepmother buys one for each of her grandchildren. I took Brodie's to his school the week of Easter, so that he and his class could enjoy it during snack time. Now, as far as bring in outside food, it  is okay and done by parents and grandparents all the time, celebrating the kids' birthdays and such. However this bright spring morning I was stopped by the head administrator of the school and told that I could not have the cake there. When I asked why I was told, " We teach that Easter is about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, not about bunnies and eggs."
  Now, I do truly appreciate them teaching my son the true meaning of Easter, biut I am pretty sure that they can understand what is being taught, and still have their fun with "bunnies and eggs." I was just about to open my mouth and ask "Cheryl", " If I rip the lil' &*^%$^@ ears off of the cake, and made it look like a cat, can they have it then?" But thankfully the Good Lord slapped his hand over my mouth, and prevented me from getting my son expelled form Pre-K. (Besides who wants to go tell their wife about how you got your darling son kicked out of daycare?)

  Well, the head Admin of the school is also a runner. And she weighs a good 1/2 of, or less, than what I do. ( There is obviously > 100lb difference between the two of us). We have ran several of the same 5 K races and she has beat me, every time. This past Saturday, our Fire Dept hosted our 3rd annual "Fit To Fight 5 & 10 K race." I had originally signed up to run the 10 K, however decided just before the race to swap to the 5K. I just have not been able to get my weekly "long run" in for the past 3 weeks, due to family obligations, injury, illness, weather...
    The run is a course full of rolling hills. As wee took off I led "Cheryl" for close to the first 1/2 of the race. But she overtook me. I kept her close as we continued running. Nearly passing her on what I dubbed " Heart Break Hill." But she stayed ahead." I kept telling myself, " just run your own race, don't worry about her or anyone else, just keep running your own race."
For the last 1/4 mile or so it is down hill, and then a 90 degree left turn into a 150 yard flat sprint to the finish." As we started down the hill, I looked up and spotted "Cheryl." She was not to far ahead, so I put my " Mass into Motion and used the force of gravity to push me down the hill, looking more like I was doing a controlled fall. I passed her, and she never had a chance to catch up! I made the left at the bottom of the hill, thought I will literally run myself to death to death before I let her catch me!!!
   A mutual acquaintance, was standing at the finish line, cheer us on, and congratulating everyone who finished, I looked over at her and let out a silent scream, " I BEAT CHERYL!!!"
  Victory was finally mine!!!! Roll Tide!!!