Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: bamalum67 on October 25, 2011, 08:59:43 AM

Title: boycott?
Post by: bamalum67 on October 25, 2011, 08:59:43 AM
Rumors abound that an outfit called "the National Cllegiate Players Association" are callinmg for a bpoycott of a bowl game to bring attention to their call for moer money fro the student athletes.

Boycott? There is no boycott in football! Hells, bells! If a player refuses to play,,it ain't no stinkin boycott!  he is just quitting!

You refuse to play = you quit!  When you quit, you give up everything!

I can just imagine CNS in a scenario.."uh, corch, we gon' boycott the game with XXXXX..'cause we be thinkin we needs mo money than jus a we be boycottin.

CNs does NOT go nuclear..DOES NOT rant and rave..he says, "Good have just thrown away a chance at a NC, and any recommendation to, the NFL I might have had for need for you to go to the locker room, I'll have your sh*t on the curb for you in 10 minutes. I hope you enjoy working for Mickey D's or Elmer's Lawn Service..and another thing, never darken the confines of this hallowed place ever again."

Title: Re: boycott?
Post by: Jamos on October 25, 2011, 09:06:13 AM
This "player money" issue that the NCAA has thrown out there is like a stick of dynamite with a very short fuse. They better be careful of what they are wishing for.

Title: Re: boycott?
Post by: Chechem on October 25, 2011, 09:09:28 AM

Very good bye-week topic.   ???

I think I'm going to sue the University.  I received a partial scholarship when I attended school, performed extremely well in a tough curriculum, and was a bargain by graduating early.  At the same time Alabama made millions in bowl receipts, plus hundreds of the athletes received full scholarships for lesser performances.  I'm due some mega-money.

Should I just send the bill to the Bursar?  My many interactions at that office over the decades has left us with an excellent rapport (eye roll).  8)

Title: Re: boycott?
Post by: Jamos on October 25, 2011, 09:12:05 AM
We'll all help you get the money and then you can throw a party for everyone.

Title: Re: boycott?
Post by: KoKoPuf on October 25, 2011, 09:27:49 AM
Maybe AU can boycott the Papa John's Bowl!

Title: Re: boycott?
Post by: Chechem on October 25, 2011, 10:19:25 AM
We'll all help you get the money and then you can throw a party for everyone.

I'll bring the money to your tailgating party and toss handfuls into the air.  I promise.  :)

Title: Re: boycott?
Post by: ricky023 on October 25, 2011, 11:22:22 AM
This "player money" issue that the NCAA has thrown out there is like a stick of dynamite with a very short fuse. They better be careful of what they are wishing for.

 #+ Jamos, you are dead on. This is making the news media a feeding feenzy about this stuff. They should just have added it to their scholly's and went on about their business.  :-X, would have been better.  :eyeroll: RTR!

Title: Re: boycott?
Post by: XBAMA on October 25, 2011, 12:08:54 PM

  I'm due some mega-money.

can you see some player going into Coach Bryants office and demanding payment

oh my God ! 

I have to wonder if the medics would ever have got that red phone that set on his desk outta the guys azz ?   :o


Title: Re: boycott?
Post by: Jamos on October 25, 2011, 12:39:20 PM
We'll all help you get the money and then you can throw a party for everyone.

I'll bring the money to your tailgating party and toss handfuls into the air.  I promise.  :)

Now that would bring a crowd and lots of fun. :clap:

Title: Re: boycott?
Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 25, 2011, 01:15:08 PM
We'll all help you get the money and then you can throw a party for everyone.

I'll bring the money to your tailgating party and toss handfuls into the air.  I promise.  :)

Now that would bring a crowd and lots of fun. :clap:

I saw Kuiyam (Jesse's dad) on here a little while ago.  You should invite him to the tailgate if you see him on here again.