Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: SUPERCOACH on March 01, 2011, 02:13:44 PM

Title: Lots of activity today
Post by: SUPERCOACH on March 01, 2011, 02:13:44 PM
It is great to see all of the activity over here today, and welcome to all of the new posters.  To be honest, I am feeling quite a bit overwhelmed right now.  I will be taking the week off from work this week to try and get this place looking pretty spiffy ASAP.  The shut down at the old place really caught me off guard.

I am pretty busy with working on the site, so I can't actually monitor or post that much right now.  But our moderators are doing a fantastic job, so I am not the least bit worried about that.  For that matter, so far everyone has been very well behaved and there hasn't been much of a need for moderation, if any.  However if you need to get my attention you can send me a PM.  I will try to refresh the page from time to time and look for new messages.

Finally, I will leave you with this little classic video clip that really does a great job of describing how I feel right now.   ;D

Title: Re: Lost of activity today
Post by: deahl001 on March 01, 2011, 02:17:32 PM
It is great to see all of the activity over here today, and welcome to all of the new posters.  To be honest, I am feeling quite a bit overwhelmed right now.  I will be taking the week off from work this week to try and get this place looking pretty spiffy ASAP.  The shut down at the old place really caught me off guard.

I am pretty busy with working on the site, so I can't actually monitor or post that much right now.  But our moderators are doing a fantastic job, so I am not the least bit worried about that.  For that matter, so far everyone has been very well behaved and there hasn't been much of a need for moderation, if any.  However if you need to get my attention you can send me a PM.  I will try to refresh the page from time to time and look for new messages.

Finally, I will leave you with this little classic video clip that really does a great job of describing how I feel right now.   ;D

Classic video...

As mentioned in one of my other posts, if you need someone with an IT background and some experience designing a forum just let me know. I can throw in some time here and there when I have down time.

Title: Re: Lost of activity today
Post by: SUPERCOACH on March 01, 2011, 02:30:39 PM
Thanks, I really appreciate it.  I may have to take you up on that sometime.  I will keep you in mind.

Title: Re: Lost of activity today
Post by: XBAMA on March 01, 2011, 02:48:56 PM
just take it easy Coach
I know how this can be a bit overwhelming ... been there
but it will all come together and when it does it will be sweet .

so far on short notice you have did a great job ... take five and relax
I've worked almost 24 hours straight before building a site
but it seems when I stepped away for a little while and relaxed/rested that
when I started back it fell together surprisingly fast ...

good luck and remember ... there are people here that can help if you need them 


Title: Re: Lost of activity today
Post by: ssmith general on March 01, 2011, 02:56:59 PM

Title: Re: Lost of activity today
Post by: ricky023 on March 01, 2011, 04:02:57 PM
Hey SC that Lucy is a fine one. I am glad you started this site and will promote it all I can. It will take some time but I think the site here will be the best around. RTR!

Title: Re: Lost of activity today
Post by: XBAMA on March 01, 2011, 05:48:38 PM

I didn't mean to leave you out ssmith   :-[ sorry man  :) Terrie you either   :-[
 I was up all night with my knee that needs a little surgery)
I'm forgetful at times when my oldhymers takes over and gets me in trouble


Title: Re: Lost of activity today
Post by: Terrie1959 on March 01, 2011, 06:51:35 PM
No worries. I have that "SOMETIMERS" problem.  Sometimes I remember, sometimes I dont! :)