Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: 2Stater on December 20, 2011, 05:07:42 PM

Title: Philadelphia Columnist Bill Conlin accused of molestation
Post by: 2Stater on December 20, 2011, 05:07:42 PM

Three women and a man said they were molested as children by Philadelphia Daily News columnist Bill Conlin, according to a report published Tuesday on the Philadelphia Inquirer website.

The four alleged victims told the Inquirer they were molested by Conlin in the 1970s, when they were between the ages of 7 and 12. The Inquirer reported that prosecutors took statements from the four last year but could not act on the allegations because they are beyond the statute of limitations. The law in Pennsylania does not allow for cases to be prosecuted prior to 1996.

They're coming out of the woodwork now. May all these child molesters rot in hell.


Title: Re: Philadelphia Columnist Bill Conlin accused of molestation
Post by: Yellow Pup on December 20, 2011, 05:10:25 PM
da#@ Freaks      >:(

Title: Re: Philadelphia Columnist Bill Conlin accused of molestation
Post by: lstephen on December 21, 2011, 04:00:09 PM
I sat on the Grand Jury in Nashville earlier this year.  You just wouldn't believe how much of this stuff goes on.  Most of it by family members.  A whole lot of really disgusting stuff.   :(

Title: Re: Philadelphia Columnist Bill Conlin accused of molestation
Post by: ricky023 on December 21, 2011, 04:11:18 PM
This unbelievable, my Lord! RTR!

Title: Re: Philadelphia Columnist Bill Conlin accused of molestation
Post by: cbbama99 on December 21, 2011, 04:14:35 PM
Just when I think this world can't get much sicker, the actions of another one of these pervs comes to light.

Title: Re: Philadelphia Columnist Bill Conlin accused of molestation
Post by: MLB10 on December 21, 2011, 06:50:40 PM
flipping A.

Title: Re: Philadelphia Columnist Bill Conlin accused of molestation
Post by: Marshal Dillon on December 21, 2011, 08:25:50 PM
I sat on the Grand Jury in Nashville earlier this year.  You just wouldn't believe how much of this stuff goes on.  Most of it by family members.  A whole lot of really disgusting stuff.   :(

How could you sit through all that garbage without getting sick? I couldn't do it.


Title: Re: Philadelphia Columnist Bill Conlin accused of molestation
Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on December 21, 2011, 09:41:19 PM
The court systems in this country have turned these monsters lose to attack future victims. The monsters when convicted, should remain locked up or executed. The court systems (liberal judges ) turn them loose after the monsters have done their time only to attack and abuse another innocent victim.